its not what it used to be. most of the really interesting and knowledgeable members have gone.
you only get the leftovers like me now.
its not what it used to be. most of the really interesting and knowledgeable members have gone.
you only get the leftovers like me now.
the us military is really pussing out over the past several years.
mixing women and men and wondering why women get pregnant on the front line and letting in trannys and others who should not be in the military now the bend over to terrorist groups like blm and others.
if we ever have to go toe to toe with the big boys of the world that do not puss out we may very well get our asses kicked.
sorry--getting bored with this now.; Pee rising you will soon be gone from here when youve had your fun.
the us military is really pussing out over the past several years.
mixing women and men and wondering why women get pregnant on the front line and letting in trannys and others who should not be in the military now the bend over to terrorist groups like blm and others.
if we ever have to go toe to toe with the big boys of the world that do not puss out we may very well get our asses kicked.
ROOM 215:
It's astonishing to me that someone so enamored of violence would ever have had anything to do with JWs in the first place. Maybe it's their ideation of apocalyptic global genocide that got your attention. Maybe it's the guns and shoot'em ups in their armageddon artwork that did the trick."
i had also pondered that. Maybe he was d/f'd for blowing large holes in too many animals.
lately that’s all i’ve been hearing about!
i’m sick and tired of listening to white people begging for forgiveness simply because they are white.
in a nearby town, a six year old girl asked her mom, “ why don’t we have a black lives matter march here?
what defines a person as black ?
i hear this from the leftist idiots all the time.
if someone breaks into your home 6 bullets are enough.
well if its a one of i would argue that i still my need more round for even just one person.
i hear this from the leftist idiots all the time.
if someone breaks into your home 6 bullets are enough.
well if its a one of i would argue that i still my need more round for even just one person.
"If you are sitting on the fence its time to ammo up and buy an AR or AK. I have both but recommend an AR15. The 5.56 is easy to shoot. Has little recoil and even with a 40 round mag is not all that heavy maybe clocking in at around 10 pounds or a bit less. A nice set of Magpull sights and Bushnell TRS25 and 16 inch barrel is also a plus. The AR is designed to be a modular rifle. It can be personalized into many configurations to fit your needs and likes. You can even buy a 22lr conversion kit so you can shoot cheap and at some ranges that will not allow 5.56 or rifle rounds. I am as of now a net seller. I bought up when prices were so low it was insane as TV sales commercials will say."
site rules:
Content that promotes, facilitates or advocates the sales of weapons and weapon accessories. This includes but is not limited to the sales of ammunition, gun parts, hardware, pistols, rifles, BB guns, sporting guns, air guns, blow guns, and stun guns. It also includes explosives, including fireworks. "
the us military is really pussing out over the past several years.
mixing women and men and wondering why women get pregnant on the front line and letting in trannys and others who should not be in the military now the bend over to terrorist groups like blm and others.
if we ever have to go toe to toe with the big boys of the world that do not puss out we may very well get our asses kicked.
"Them gays, queers, skirts and others don't belong there. There should only be real men."
tell it like it is fella.
i hear this from the leftist idiots all the time.
if someone breaks into your home 6 bullets are enough.
well if its a one of i would argue that i still my need more round for even just one person.
keep up the good work. i see you've been on here a month now.
i hear this from the leftist idiots all the time.
if someone breaks into your home 6 bullets are enough.
well if its a one of i would argue that i still my need more round for even just one person.
Long Hair Gal:
i said " thank god i dont live in america."
how is that bashing America ? What i meant was thank god i dont live in a country populated by the likes of phoenixrising. I'm sure there are also countries even worse.
my 87 year old dad called me for the first time in 16 years the other day .... just to chat.
i was floored to say the least since he didn't even bother to call me when my mom died several years ago.
he called again today to inquire how i felt about jehovah's witnesses.
so this is finally the end ?
now what's for fucking dinner.